Field Posts

E184: Battening Down the Hatches with the March WASDE

March 08, 2024 DTN/Progressive Farmer
Field Posts
E184: Battening Down the Hatches with the March WASDE
Show Notes

The March WASDE dropped Friday March 8th, and despite maintaining its status as a quieter report, a key announcement offered some support for soybeans, as other news of the week depressed wheat. 

DTN’s Lead Analyst Todd Hultman joins us today to dig into the latest numbers, in particular some global figures, from USDA that provides updates to past soybean exports to China and maintains its discrepancy with Latin American figures on the potential for Brazilian crops. In addition to parsing the latest from the report, we’ll dig into other department announcements, including what Todd heard (and didn’t hear) from Secretary Vilsack at Commodity Classic about the future of Sustainable Aviation Fuel, and when USDA’s annual forecast out of the Ag Outlook Forum could mean for markets and planting in the weeks ahead. 

We’ll talk through the current basis picture, concerns about global commodities trade, and check in on the broader economic context.