Field Posts

E200: Who’s Eating Your Extra Soybean Yield?

DTN/Progressive Farmer

DTN Crops Editor Jason Jenkins calls Soybean Cyst Nematode the Rodney Dangerfield of soybean pests — it doesn’t get nearly the respect it deserves. While estimates put annual damage from SCN in the $1.5 billion dollar range, it still rarely earns a spot among soybean grower’s top concerns. Many growers trust the “SCN Resistant” label on their soybean seeds to provide the protection they need against these tricky critters, but there might be less to that promise than you might think. 

Today, we’re diving deep into the current state of Soybean Cyst Nematode management across the country. We’ll discuss the damage these pests do, how to assess your fields, and next steps growers can take to get a handle on populations and possible treatment methods. Then, we’ll learn more about emerging advances on the transgenic trait side of things, and how a recent announcement from BASF could offer big benefits for growers down the road. 

Finally, we’ll tackle questions of resistance, and get into what options farmers have to ensure they’re rotating their modes of action often enough. 

Then we’ll get updates on other pest populations Jason is on the lookout for, and hear the latest on the Dicamba story.